Deborah Finley

Massage therapist treating a client.


Deborah Finley has been a bodyworker since 1999. She has experience in both the Salon and Medical industries of massage.  She has been a licensed Cosmetologist since 1981, and is a Reiki Master/Teacher.  She has an array of continued education in her field.   Deborah attained and holds one of the highest credentialing in the field of Massage and Bodywork.  She is Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork which requires continued education in order to keep that credentialing.  Deborah specializes in medical/therapeutic massage.  She enjoys every
aspect of her career.  She works with those in the medical allopathic field, including hospice care.  Deborah was inspired to share her knowledge with other individuals who were of like mind. With combined holistic
and allopathic approaches in mind she created the Therapeutic Massage Program and opened the Institute for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, Inc. located in Chadds Ford PA. in 2003.   Deborah has been a guest speaker on a local radio show where she has shared her experience and expertise with listeners. She has also led numerous workshops as well as been a guest speaker and educator for Hospice Care.  She has taught massage to senior citizens, parents, caregivers, and medical personnel at local hospitals.  Deborah is a certified hospice volunteer.    Deborah is past president, an active member of her local Lioness imageClub and is the parent advisor to the Local Leo Club.